The Hydrological Cycle

Through solar radiation, the water of oceans, rivers and lakes evaporates. It ascends into the sky, forms clouds and returns to the earth as rain. During this process, water is contaminated in different ways. Exhaust fumes from industry, oxygen and carbon dioxide lead to acid rain. Having hit the ground, rain first seeps through the uppermost soil layer. It absorbs humus and rot products as well as carbonic acid. Then, depending on the structure of the soil, it absorbs differently dissolved minerals and substances such as calcium, magnesium, nitrate, iron and manganese before flowing back into the ground water. Unfortunately, this is also why unwanted substances such as pesticides and fungicides can increasingly be found in our most important resource.

Water as the Carrier of Life

If we think of our denatured, regulated rivers or of the water we pour from our taps – chemically sterilized, “pressed” with high pressure through conventional, completely straight water pipes, stale and without vitality – we can hardly talk about a natural process.

Water stores the information of every substance it has ever come into contact with, including medicine residues and many other substances. Therefore, it is more important that our drinking water contains life-enhancing information than that it is chemically pure. Nature cleans water that is burdened with information by leading it through riverbeds with bends and curves and swirling it around. Existing measurements prove that through swirling processes like this information of pollutants can be deleted. It has been shown not only that negative information can be deleted but also that positive frequencies can be induced.

We took these natural processes as model for our aquaSpin technology.