
Aceasta este ceea ce clienții noștri ne spun despre soluțiile noastre ...

Și asta spun clienții noștri ...

La fel de versatil ca produsele noastre sunt clienții noștri, fie în agricultură, brutărie sau gospodărie privată. Tehnologia noastră poate fi folosită oriunde în care apa curge, iar mulți clienți mulțumiți, naționali și internaționali vorbesc de la sine!

aquaSpin o tehnologie de la H.Preiss International

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Horticultură de referință Klein

"Our youngest child is to provide the plants with better water and then we have integrated a water activator. I am rather skeptical but the result has convinced me! (...) you can tell by the look of roots - are more energetic and vitalized and has a very positive presence."


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Hotel de referință "Schlosspark"

"Our guests are showing us something today – something that they know from the media: a healthy diet, restorative sleep and sustainable products that are offered in the hotel. And this is what we’ve somewhat devoted ourselves to."


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Tâmplărie de referință

"We noticed a different taste of fruit juices – just by bringing them close to the activator and so the idea was born to consider applying activated water on wood."


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Referință de panificație naturală

"The term natural bakery implies that we only use natural products. Clearly, the resource water captured our attention. The client feedback is very positive. Our customers claim that the bread is longer fresh."


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Familia de referință Gerngross

"We are really happy with it. After only 14 days, I noticed a change of my skin; after two months, I felt a difference regarding my joints."


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Referință Car Wash

"The car wash system shows us that chalk problems belong to the past. Our cleaning performance has improved."


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Referință "Health Butler"

"The people drink more and they feel a little more energized. The water is well received by our customers."